Friday, August 26, 2005

Random AIM Conversation

Bruin7089 (12:24:28 AM): what about ***********?
yaz (12:24:34 AM): That is another example
yaz (12:24:43 AM): There might be something there, not really interested
yaz (12:31:27 AM): Entourage is so good
yaz (12:32:29 AM): are you dead?
Bruin7089 (12:33:14 AM): nope
Bruin7089 (12:33:22 AM): haven't had enough sex yet

Quote This

"There's a lot of blogging material here." - Aaron

Thursday, August 25, 2005

For All You Lovesick Law Nerds Out There

So Let Me Get This Straight

You use steriods as a baseball player and you get a 10 game suspension. And then there's this,
On a dare, a Florida Marlins batboy tried to drink a gallon of milk in under an hour without throwing up. But not only did the batboy not succeed in the challenge, his mere attempt cost him his job for six games, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Remedies Class

Brandy has a pretty good summation of how things went down today in our first Remedies class. While he may not be the asshole he once was he was enough of one to get several people to switch out and into Prof. Fischer's class. The teaching style is a bit too hands off for me as well. It seems that if the student is able to read straight from the book and is prepared to give an example then the student has in essence "taught" the class something. And that's the pedagogy you get for $3,000 at SWLAW. Nice.

Thing is the guy comes with some really mixed recommendations from former students. Some say he's the best and that he will teach you everything you need to know for the bar and only that, while others focus on his uh... personality as a reason to stay clear of him. Again, time will tell.

Tangled Web

As I was leaving Trial Ad class, my professor asked me about this blog I have. I told her that I indeed post to a blog. She then relayed to me that someone had mentioned I had written something about her and had identified her as the professor having a diamond in her ear. I assured her that it was not her.

What troubles me is that the professor I referred to as having a diamond in the ear, is not one of my favorite professors. Whereas, the professor who was confused in the matter is one of my favorite professors.

So I suppose the answer is either stop posting about professors altogether, stop posting negative things, or full disclosure. We shall see.

Well, What's The Answer?

Is it wrong to finish law school only because one thinks it's too late to quit now with only one more year left?

Does This Even Surprise Anyone?

In Some Pain? Call Wayne.

Got hurt pushing a baby stroller? Calll Mr. Soller.
Bumped a car switching lanes? Call Wayne.
Stunt gone wrong with David Blaine? Call Wayne.
In need of an agent because of fame? Call Wayne.
Knocked on the head with a pin by a bowler? Call Mr. Soller.
Slipped in the rain? Call Wayne.
Already have an attorney but he is lame? Call Wayne.
Got bad plastic surgery because you're vain? Call Wayne.
Got bit by a Great Dane? Call Wayne.
Is your defense that your not sane? Call Wayne.
Want to give someone brain? Call Wayne.

I'm so ready to be a lawyer.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Quote This

"BITCH... NO... not on the blog... at least put it in context." - Brian

More SBA News

Siannah is the new Treasurer and Jen Scher is the new Secretary.

An Email From The SBA

Southwestern Students,

The SBA Board would like to take this chance to welcome you back to school. We are writing this email to let you know that there are important commissioner positions available within the SBA. For those of you students that do not know what the SBA is, it is the Student Bar Association which networks and programs many of the events that occur on and off our campus for you the students. These events are geared towards networking with alumni for future jobs, networking with other law students from Southwestern and other law schools, and helping students to find an outlet to relieve the much anticipated stress of being a law student.

The positions available are diverse and reach out to many different personalities to fill. Below is a brief summary of the positions available and the responsibilities behind each position. If you are interested in applying for any of these positions for the 2004-2005 School Year, please place a resume with a paragraph explaining your qualifications for the position that you are applying for. The paragraph and resume can MUST be turned into the SBA office or emailed to Chris Harmon at before Friday, August 26th . Thank you for your time.


SBA Board

Appointed Commissioner Positions

Commissioner of Academic Affairs
Coordinate monthly speaker series
Deal with proposals and problems relating to academic policies

Commissioner of Community Affairs
Coordinate Hoover Elementary School, including Mock Trial, Alternative Dispute Resolution Program, holiday gift drives
Coordinate school clothing and food drives
Develop community outreach programs
Encourage and promote student involvement in community service programs

Commissioner of Minority Affairs
Coordinate Cultural Food Fair
Liaison between SBA and all SBA minority groups on campus
Organize and promote activities that contribute to the effectuation of equality of all minority groups

Commissioner of Alumni Affairs
Coordinate all Alumni Student activities
Develop new Alumni outreach programs
Attend all Alumni Association meetings

Commissioner of Student Welfare
Coordinate Mentor/ Mentee Program
Organize and promote any activity/ program that will improve the condition of student welfare
Develop programs for first year student adjustment/ transition

Commissioner of Student Activities
Assist executive board in the coordination of all student activities
Develop and execute on and off campus student activities

I was a Student Welfare Commissioner last year, which meant everyone I knew got their choice of 1Ls to mentor, if you know what I mean. Anyway, it was a lot of hard work but it was rewarding in that it gave me opportunities to get to know people that I would have otherwise not have gotten to know.

Pet Peeve #3243619

People who say they have no concept of time as an excuse for being late. Fact is, unless you're stuck in a wheelchair, you have no concept of time other than that it moves forward in seconds, then minutes, then hours, etc. That is why the only concept of time one really needs is that time is kept by these things called Rolexes. So get one, check it regularly and try not to be late.

Immigration Class

Had internet access so I'm pretty sketchy as to what went on for nearly two hours. A lot of stuff went up on the whiteboard. Stuff like, "DHS, DOJ, INS...." If not for the internet again I would have been bored.

Computer Assisted Litigationg Class

It took all of class time, two hours, to do an introductory overview of the course and that's without going over the second part/half of the semester which will be covered next class. Yeah, I was bored.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Quote This

"All I hear is this voice in my head saying, 'I want to die, but only after having more sex'" - Brian

My Advice To SWLAW 1Ls?

1. Don't dye your hair.
2. Do brief cases. People may say they don't brief cases anymore but I bet you they all can. So brief cases until you know you can do it appropriately. And by briefing cases, I don't mean you have to necessarily write them out, you can and probably should book brief to save some time.
3. Don't get mad at the gunners. If you have a problem with certain people answering all the questions or asking all the questions, either ask or answer some yourself or be happy that they're willing to take all of the heat.
4. Don't use those damn rolly bags unless you have a back or shoulder problem. They take up too much room in the elevators.
5. Do sleep with the 3Ls.
6. Don't pay membership fees to join a student organization merely because you want their outlines. Those outlines will make their way around campus eventually so save yourself a few bucks.
7. Do participate in the social events planned by SBA and the student organizations especially early on in the year. It doesn't matter how smart you are if you can't get along with people.
8. Don't make friends with people just because you think they're smart. Chances are they're not that smart and anyway it won't help you get the grades they get.
9. Do meet with your professors outside of class during their office hours. Chances are your professors are not as big an asshole or a bitch as they come off during class and by meeting them outside of that environment you'll less likely be intimidated by them.
10. Do sit in the back of the class if you insist on wearing a thong to school that peeks above your pants' waistline... unless you're hot, then by all means, give everyone a view by sitting up front.
11. Don't rent out a locker, just use your car.
12. Do try to go to every class prepared. But if you're not and you happen to get called on, please don't BS some answer that makes no sense, you're just wasting everyone's time.

Hitting The Newsstands Soon

You should see the centerfold.

(make your own)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Thanks Sean

Now I've got "login" problems as school is about to start. Let's just hope Brian is kind enough to put up an away message.