Saturday, May 08, 2004

Sprinting To The Finish Line

I'll be spending the rest of this beautiful Saturday at a Starbucks and on campus studying Civ Pro and Torts as I try to make up for however I did on the first two exams. No more posting here for the day and maybe until finals are over unless something more notable than eating habits occurs.

Last Semester's Curves

Make of it what you will.
Total Possible Points
Essay = 155
MC = 57 (15 questions X a multiplier of 3.8)

Essay = 69
MC = 34

Criminal Law
Total Possible Points
Essay = 115
MC = 32 questions

Essay = 80
MC = 18

Civil Procedure
Total Possible Points
Essay = 77
MC = 33

Essay = NA


Total Possible Points
Essay = 58
MC = 25

Essay = NA


Total Possible Points
Essay = 144
MC = 24

Essay = NA

Friday, May 07, 2004

Law School Memory #27: Eating Habits

Shared artichoke dip, shared dessert, lots of cheese, fresh ground black pepper, hardly eating, and lots of plastic.

For Those Studying For Civ Pro

A short hypo we can all relate to.

Property Exam

I'm pretty sure I got enough down to pass, beyond that who knows?

Lie Repeat After Me

I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property. I will pass Property.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

This Is How Property Studying Is Coming Along

I have yet to go over easements, covenants, and takings. Right now I'm hoping to be real lucky on the MC questions because my essay is going to be so bad.

I'm Starting To Care

Taking a cue from Sean, I'll be pulling an all-nighter for Property. Test is in the about 16 hours. That's plenty of time.

UPDATE: Ok maybe not an all-nighter but I'm off to Starbucks and will be there until they close.

UPDATE: Ok... I never made it out the door but I've been actually getting some studying done. Good for me.

A Month? Who Needs A Month!? I Celebrate All Year Long.

Yeah... I'm in need of a girl.

The Person In Section B...

Stole this list of superlatives from Jeremy:
Most Likely to Fail the Bar Exam
Most Likely to Suffer a Nervous Breakdown
Least Likely to Smile
Most Likely to Steal Books From The Library
Most Likely to Die Alone
Most Likely to Shoot a Professor After Getting a Low Grade
Most Likely to Get Really, Really Fat
Most Likely to Become Infamous
Most Likely to Be Raped In Prison
Most Likely to Let His Mother Die In a Fire
Most Likely to Bill 72 Hours in a Day
Most Likely to Be Beaten Up in a Dark Alley
Most Likely to Have a Heart Attack before Age 40
Most Likely to Work for the IRS
Longest-Winded Appellate Briefs
Most Likely to be Shot by a Client After an Unsuccessful Defense
Most Likely to Run for Office
Most Likely to Run for Office Repeatedly, Losing Each Time
Most Likely to Become a Legal Writing Instructor
Most Likely to Forget the Names of His/Her Children
Most Likely to Default on Student Loans
Most Likely to Have A Trophy Wife
Most Likely to Be the Motivation Behind a Loophole-Closing Piece of Legislation
Most Likely to Somehow Cause the World to End
Anyone evil enough to stop thinking about Property for a minute and make the first few nominations?

About 15 Mins. Isn't So Bad Is It?

This person is getting about 15 more mins. studying per 45 mins. than I am.

Random AIM Conversation

yaz: Prop can like my balls
Bruin7089: lick you mean?
yaz: yes lick
Bruin7089: I haven't touched it yet.
yaz: What?
Bruin7089: I'm just going to read so and so's outline a few times
Bruin7089: Maybe twice before the day is over
Bruin7089: and once tomorrow morning
Bruin7089: I'll mix in some flashcards
yaz: What have you been doing this morning
yaz: Are you not worried about this shit
Bruin7089: TV
Bruin7089: That's how I worry.
Bruin7089: I stop caring.
yaz: oh
yaz: So you must be really worried
Bruin7089: Don't care enough to worry anymore.
yaz: I see
Bruin7089: What about you?
yaz: Well you have the chart memorized right
Bruin7089: Can't find the chart.
yaz: You want me to email it to you
Bruin7089: No.
Bruin7089: I'm just going to write, "One, two, four but never three."
yaz: Nice
Can you guess who of the two is going to get the better grade?

For The Sake Of My Property Grade

I hope section B everyone will be watching the Friends finale tonight, which includes a one hour bore fest special before the thankfully final episode. I suggest that everyone watch the entire thing and actually make a party of it that takes up the whole night. It's only fitting for such a good great show.

It all starts at 86pm on NBC. And no fair Tivo'ing the thing for viewing after studying is done.

So Much For Law Exams Being My Art

Yesterday's exam was more the work of a three-year old's finger painting than the masterpiece of an artist.

Too Nice Of A Day

I'm taking Brian's suggestion and will be off at a park studying. Let's hope Property doesn't spoil my enjoyment of the weather.

Back In High School?

Saw a flier yesterday advertising the sale of yearbooks for $48 each.

Random AIM Conversation

cuyazzie: YOu really don't get much done after five
Bruin7089: thought about studying
Bruin7089: i don't
Bruin7089: I need a nine to five job.
cuyazzie: or a 6 to 5 job
Bruin7089: yeah
Bruin7089: that would work
Bruin7089: with a three hour lunch
cuyazzie: I don't think you will get a 3 hour lunch
Bruin7089: or a two hour lunch and two recesses
cuyazzie: So you want to be a teacher or a child molester
Bruin7089: Are those two mutually exclusive?

I'm On Student Loans Buddy

After lunch I sat outside with Sean and Brian to go over Property. Nice day to be outside except that we were twice approached by guys who would qualify for appointed counsel. One of the guys was on a bike and a self-proclaimed "street comedian". One of his jokes:
When is Michael Jackson's bedtime?

When the big hand meets the small hand.
To which Sean countered,
What do you call cheese that isn't yours?

Nacho cheese.
The other guy couldn't speak english, tried to get all of Sean's Skittles, and had a sticky hand.

Should Have Been Checking On Section A Instead

As associate dean, former Prof. Civ Pro made an appearance at the Crim Pro exam. He was there to make sure no one was cheating. It was a little more than distracting having him stalk around the room with his presence. At one point I thought about getting up to go to the restroom to see if he would follow me. But in the end I didn't want to risk putting myself in a position where another man would be following me into a restroom.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Because I'm Known To Keep My Mouth Shut

So Brian asks me not to say a word to someone that he relayed to me about such-and-such about so-and-so hooking up last semester because he thinks someone would get mad at him. That's about as good as it gets and don't expect it to stay that good either because someone definitely talks way too much - I'm referring to myself not to one of the so's.

Yeah, I'm the worst friend ever.

Someone Alert Stummy

Hot Mooter is in the computer lab sitting off to my left. Although she probably doesn't care now that she has Kobi to keep her company.

We Can't Be That Much Alike

The latest person to mistake Brian for me or vice versa was Trini who asked me, "Where's Wayne?" It goes to explaining why Brian gets a lot of shit for everything and nothing and why no one gives me shit for anything.

Const. Crim. Pro. Exam

Aside from the playful banter with the proctor, the morning was a bit of a nightmare. Six call of the questions when all of his previous exams that we practiced on had three. It was a racehorse type of exam so it's kind of reassuring to know that probably no one got to all of the issues and it's definitely assuring to know that no one fully analyzed each and every one of those issues. The multiple choice part of the exam was rough as well. Out of the thirty questions asked I was absolutely certain on only three of them. The others had two good answers and it was difficult for me to pick the best answer from the two. The exam ranks as one of the tougher exams I've yet to take. Going into the exam I thought it was going to be one of the easier ones. That makes the upcoming exams even scarier. Yes, exams can be scary. My sole comfort is in the fact that just about everyone else thought it was a tough exam.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

The Beginning Of The End To 1L

Crim Pro final tomorrow from 9am - 12pm. I'm going into it fairly nonchalantly. A lot less stress this time around even though I'm less prepared. Maybe it's because I know what to expect now. I just hope I'm not setting myself up for failure.

Best of luck to my friends.

Quote This

"Ooh." - Sean

Kind Of Like Maple Syrup

Arpineh sent an email - with very annoying midi music - which was very sweet and sappy.

Thank you for the sentiments Arpsy.

Last Night

Proved that we have the humor of 7 year olds and that anyone who enters an elevator with us is very unfortunate indeed.

In The Minority

Apparently, I was one of the very few who had a nightcap the night before an exam last semester. It's one thing I'll be doing the same as last semester. JD anyone?

Crim Pro Exam

I'm fairly confident I know enough to get a C+ on the exam and anything above that would be icing on the cake. With about five more hours of studying left, I might be able to push it to a B. Off to Starbucks to try their Java Chip and get started on those five hours.

Typing, Not Writing

As far as I can tell, I've got the laptop fiasco under control. Thanks for the loaner Annie. Now I gotta get me some floppies.


In the morning, I reviewed Property with Annie, Bunny, Rita, and Trini. In the afternoon, I reviewed Crim Pro with Annie, Brian, Bunny, and Trini. At the end of the day, the lesson that stuck most in my mind; a kinky giraffe is likely a dead giraffe.

Quote This

"You just don't stick it in the ass." - Brian

Sunday, May 02, 2004

What To Do?!

Study for final exams or watch what many are calling the real NBA Finals? If only I were prepared for finals already - or better yet a Denver Nuggets fan - and I wouldn't be faced with this dilemma.