yaz: Prop can like my ballsCan you guess who of the two is going to get the better grade?
Bruin7089: lick you mean?
yaz: yes lick
Bruin7089: I haven't touched it yet.
yaz: What?
Bruin7089: I'm just going to read so and so's outline a few times
Bruin7089: Maybe twice before the day is over
Bruin7089: and once tomorrow morning
Bruin7089: I'll mix in some flashcards
yaz: What have you been doing this morning
yaz: Are you not worried about this shit
Bruin7089: TV
Bruin7089: That's how I worry.
Bruin7089: I stop caring.
yaz: oh
yaz: So you must be really worried
Bruin7089: Don't care enough to worry anymore.
yaz: I see
Bruin7089: What about you?
yaz: Well you have the chart memorized right
Bruin7089: Can't find the chart.
yaz: You want me to email it to you
Bruin7089: No.
Bruin7089: I'm just going to write, "One, two, four but never three."
yaz: Nice