Monday, November 15, 2004

Just Do It

The following question was posed over at Ask MetaFilter to the ladies:
If a man does not try to kiss you on a first date, how would you be likely to interpret that [lack of] action?
A long thread of comments follows. Most of the sluts women say that it's interpreted as the guy not being interested. The bussys men say that's an unfair interpretation

I have a simpler question that you can answer with the poll but do leave comments explaining why.


Kelly said...

81% can't be wrong - it depends on how the date went, of course. I suggest applying a balancing test to weigh the signs she thinks you are disgusting against the signs she's desperate enough to let you kiss her anyway.

W said...

Balancing test? Forget an effin' balancing test! A bright line rule is what us simpletons, known as men, need.