Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Feb. 2005 Bar: First-time Takers

ABA-accredited schools:
1 Stanford 100% (4/4)
2 USC 100% (2/2)
3 USD 80% (20/25)
4 Pepperdine 77% (10/13)
5 UC Davis 75% (6/8)
6 Chapman 69% (9/13)
7 Cal Western 68% (65/96)
8 Santa Clara 68% (23/34)
9 Southwestern 68% (23/34)
10 USF 67% (12/18)
11 Hastings 67% (8/12)
12 McGeorge 59% (17/29)
13 Loyola 54% (26/48)
14 Golden Gate 43% (17/40)
15 Boalt 42% (5/12)
16 Whittier 33% (8/24)
17 UCLA 33% (2/6)
18 Thomas Jefferson 32% (11/34)
19 Western State 31% (8/26)


biff said...

UCLA must not be a very good school...

Anonymous said...

I'm rather surprised by the relatively low passage rates for #13 (tier 2), #15 (tier 1), and #17 (tier 1?), even if they're repeat-takers.

W said...

I'm not surprised. Two of them are very small portions of their respective student populations and as for Loyola, they're probably only better than SWLAW in two respects: 1) in the rankings of U.S. News and 2) by reputation that is based largely on the U.S. News rankings. So really it's more like 1.5 respects and not that much of a surprise that they fall below SWLAW.

Anonymous said...

These numbers don't tell anyone much. Look at the figures for the July Bar and for people taking the February Bar for the second time. These numbers are so small they're not really statistically significant.