36. The actions of the State Bar constitute clear STATE ACTION UNDER COLOR OF STATE LAW! These actions taken by the Bar are far and beyond even the actions of the murderous inquisitions of the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts! As if by holding someone under water and if the victim drowns she is OK, but if she lives she is deemed a witch and is then hanged by the neck until she is dead!
37. The rules to the exam are clear. Each applicant is to answer the exam in his or her own words. In fact if one of the hundreds of Proctors who LITERALLY WATCH US PEE IN THE URINALS, or one of the hundreds of cameras detects someone even asking for the time, the State bar will fear that the applicant is attempting to acquire information from someone else’s words and immediately fail that innocent person. By substituting a vague and onerous mathematical calculation for my own words, the Bar DENIES MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF FREE SPEECH AND EXPRESSION!
38. I liken the situation to taking a test at the DMV. This is as if DMV says, WE TOOK THE DRIVING TEST FOR YOU, IN OUR CAR, ON OUR STREETS, USING OUR DRIVER AND WE DON’T LIKE THE WAY WE MADE THAT LEFT TURN, SO WE ARE GOING TO FAIL YOU! The State bar made up a test, then made up a mathematical formula that only they have, then they didn’t like what their math said, so THEY FAILED ME!
Defendant State Bar then negligently distributed the answer books to paid agents for the purpose of placing a “GRADE OR SCORE,”
that the Defendants themselves actually “MADE-UP,” in their “OWN MINDS,” as part of an ongoing policy of restricting the number of attorneys in California for the sole purpose of “REVENUE ENHANCEMENT FOR THE STATE BAR,”
Here are a few of my favorite statements:
36. The actions of the State Bar constitute clear STATE ACTION UNDER COLOR OF STATE LAW! These actions taken by the Bar are far and beyond even the actions of the murderous inquisitions of the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts! As if by holding someone under water and if the victim drowns she is OK, but if she lives she is deemed a witch and is then hanged by the neck until she is dead!
37. The rules to the exam are clear. Each applicant is to answer the exam in his or her own words. In fact if one of the hundreds of Proctors who LITERALLY WATCH US PEE IN THE URINALS, or one of the hundreds of cameras detects someone even asking for the time, the State bar will fear that the applicant is attempting to acquire information from someone else’s words and immediately fail that innocent person. By substituting a vague and onerous mathematical calculation for my own words, the Bar DENIES MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF FREE SPEECH AND EXPRESSION!
38. I liken the situation to taking a test at the DMV. This is as if DMV says, WE TOOK THE DRIVING TEST FOR YOU, IN OUR CAR, ON OUR STREETS, USING OUR DRIVER AND WE DON’T LIKE THE WAY WE MADE THAT LEFT TURN, SO WE ARE GOING TO FAIL YOU! The State bar made up a test, then made up a mathematical formula that only they have, then they didn’t like what their math said, so THEY FAILED ME!
My favorite are all the words in quotes...
Defendant State Bar then negligently distributed the answer books to paid agents for the purpose of placing a “GRADE OR SCORE,”
that the Defendants themselves actually “MADE-UP,” in their “OWN MINDS,” as part of an ongoing policy of restricting the number of attorneys in California for the sole purpose of “REVENUE ENHANCEMENT FOR THE STATE BAR,”
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