Sunday, March 13, 2005

Men & Women As Friends?

That question was asked a few days ago. Now I get to live it.

But really, if Tessa can keep her unconscious and unintentional flirting to a minimum, we should be fine. A "Stop it Tessa" from any one of our friends when she does flirt with me should greatly aid in the effort. But if I should ever be flirty/"whipped" around her, simply telling me to stop would probably have the same effect as it would have on a rapist - not that I'm really comparing myself to a rapist. So to discourage such behavior, I encourage my friends to kick me where it counts.

The threat alone is enough.


Anonymous said...

You may think the threat is enough, but I am going to take much enjoyment in kicking you in the junk and watching many other people kick you in the nuts. We should film this and send it into America's Funniest Home Videos. We could drop out of law school with how many shots to the nuts we are going to see.

W said...

For the record, I think "Clank" is a much more suitable nickname than "Tin Cup."

Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

I am so sorry. Notes of things I will do to change my behavior:
1. Not hug you
2. Not Text message you while in class
3. Not eat your food during lunch
4. Not let you ditch your friends to go eat with me.
5. Not go shopping with you for clothes.

You are a good good friend and I would like to keep our friendship.
Again, I am sorry.

W said...

No need to apologize Tessa. I'm just hoping I don't get my nuts kicked in by Brian or by anyone else for that matter.