Friday, February 25, 2005

Shoot The Hostage

You're done taking a shower at the gym. You realize you forgot to bring a towel. What do you do?
  1. Throw on your clothes and hope no one recognizes.
  2. Wait in the shower stall until you air dry.
  3. You scream for help.
  4. You try to fan yourself dry by frantically waving your hands at your body.
  5. You peek your head outside of your shower stall to make sure no one has come into the locker room. Assured that no one else is in there, you make your way to the paper towel dispenser to dry yourself off in front of the mirror only to be caught doing so by someone coming into the locker room.
This may be a pop quiz that can only be answered by law review types.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

OK, that totally made me laugh. I have this vision of a white boy standing in a shower fanning himself widely with his hands, trying to dry off.

(If you're not a white boy, sorry, it's just the vision I got)