Sunday, December 19, 2004

Ok Sara

I know you're stronlgy anti-death penalty but can you defend this person from that fate?


Anonymous said...

Well, personally I think the lady has a mental disorder. She had a miscarriage earlier this year, and it could've been some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder. Plus, dude, look at her. She looks crazy. She is holding a dog like a baby. CAAAARAZY.

In all seriousness, though, she probably will get the death penalty, because she confessed to the murder, which means she knew it was wrong. I don't think thats right, because, even if she is not mental, she should not be put to death. Instead, she needs life in prison, mixed in with the other murderers. She needs a lifetime to think about what she is done. She needs to die from old age on the floor of her jail cell. She needs to be someone's bitch for 50 years. That is retribution. Killing her means giving her less time to think about what she has done. Killing her means exhaustive appeals and her own jail cell. She doesn't deserve that.


Anonymous said...

But the victim's family does deserve justice. If that were my wife and my unborn child, I would want to see the bitch die.

W said...

Let me get your argument right. You're saying that a lifetime in prison being someone's bitch is a greater punishment than death? Are you advocating some form of torture for retributive justice? And doesn't that mean, comparatively, the death penalty isn't such a cruel and unusual punishment?

Anonymous said...

My main reason for hating the death penalty is not because its taking a life (even though for me that is wrong). Yes, I think that a life in prison is worse than death. She is not going to be in Martha Stewart prison, you know. Yes, I think that sitting in jail and thinking about her crime for the rest of he life and knowing what she did was wrong is retributive justice. I am not advocating torture, but if I saw her being beaten up by a large butch woman, I wouldn't try anything to stop it.
