Sunday, April 10, 2011

About Those New Year's Resolutions

More than a quarter of the way through the year it's time to revisit:

  1. Get down to 150 lbs. - Last weigh in had me at 178.6.
  2. Get down to 100 personal items. - Last count was at about 110.
  3. Finish reading 50 books on my Kindle (that's one personal item). - Have 7 done when I should have 12 done at least.
  4. Watch from beginning to end all of AFI's 100 Years…100 Movies – 10th Anniversary Edition.  Not going to happen.
  5. Pay off all credit card debt - this might actually take more than a year if I want some discretionary income each month, so I may have to revise. - Still working on this.
  6. Find BBQ in Texas better than Dr. Hogly Wogly's - Haven't had anything close, not sure if I have even tried any since the year began.
  7. Go out on a few dates. - Been out on one.

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