Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Working Hard To Be Average*

My grades for spring '05 are in the comment section of this post. Now the law school custom is that one should never tell their fellow students what their grades are. One law school prep book puts it this way,
Never, never, never discuss your grades in public. Not even if people ask you about them.


Again, because nothing good can come of it. If you have better grades than the person asking, that person is going to be made to feel badly. If she has better grades than you do, you might be made to feel badly. And of course, all of this depends on whether you're both telling the truth.

Well I don't believe my grades are going to make many feel badly about their own - to those few who do, I'm sorry. And I don't need to hear about anyone else's grades to feel badly about my own. Of course if you have a problem with knowing what my grades are, no one is making you look in the comment section.

But why make my grades public? It's certainly not to gloat about my grades. I'm not looking for sympathy either. It's more I guess to be better understood than anything else. I don't know how much grades can reveal about a person but those who recruit new lawyers seem to think they're important.

Thanks to those who congratulated me on getting off of AP though I feel a bit dopey for accepting them for the grades I earned but thanks is still in order. So thank you all.

*Alternative title: Still In Search Of "It"


W said...

Business Assocaitons C+
Constitutional Law C
Legal Profession C
Forensic Evidence C+
Criminal Law Theory Seminar C+

Term GPA 2.185
Cum GPA 2.295

Anonymous said...

Congrats... you will likely be very rich. Remember the adage, A students become law professors, B students become associates, and C students become very rich partners. I'm told it might have something to do with charm and personality?

-- a SW alum -- in solo practice and very rich

Anonymous said...

Would solo practice, very rich SW alum want to help out a current SW student? If so please contact Wayne.

W said...

Well I don't know if I have the charm but if the personality of an ass counts, then I'm two-thirds of the way there.

Anonymous said...

what sort of help does said current SW student need? (I presume it is Brian?) Academic, financial, marital...?

-- the alum

Anonymous said...

Said student, let's just call him Brian to make it easier, needs help finding a job and general advice is always nice.

Anonymous said...

Finding a job...if the resume does't land you an interview, and the interview a job, then...try to make yourself indispensible...

After appropriate research, find the ideal law office for you, and volunteer, part time if you must...show them you are hard-working, smart, and very willing to learn and take on dull and difficult tasks, with a SMILE. And dont screw it up...ask appropriate questions, and be enthusiastic...you should be made a salaried associate in a short while...hey, its worked before...see Eddie Rickenbacker's autobiography. (he wasn't an attorney, but hey...indy racer, highly decorated WWI ace, entrepeneur, founder of Eastern Air Lines, etc.)

btw, this also works for attorneys, I know a few from a law school with a fancy landmark bldg who externed with their dream firm/entertainment co. then parlayed that into a job, even though they had to virtually volunteer after the externship...they are well-paid and miserable now...

--good luck... the alum