Wednesday, June 08, 2005

CA Community Property Class

It's interminable. It's like Rolnick to the fifth power or something. We don't just go over every fact of the case, we analyze each line of the case. And we came of it?
  • I learned about the tracing principle - separate property begets separate property and community property begets community property.
  • I learned that both a prenup and a transmutation cannot encourage a divorce.
  • I learned that a prenup must be entered into voluntarily and that it's generally a good idea to have both parties to a prenup represented by counsel.
Of course I'm a terrible student so I probably missed a lot of whatever she droned on and on about. On the bright side I caught a little bit of Kung Fu Hustle on Steve's laptop. Looks good.


Anonymous said...

Kung Fu Hustle is sooooo goooooood. Everyone has to see it!!!

W said...

Thank you Ebert.