Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Fuckin' A I'm Fat

So I went to LA Fitness to sign up for a membership. As part of the deal to get me to sign up they did a quick assessment of my health which consisted of me telling them my height and weight and then holding on to this gadget to assess my body fat. 23.2%. Now I don't put much stock into those gadgets, but damn... 23.2%. And really, how far off can those things be? Taking that number and using a chart, the guy figured I was in poor health. I was sold, which was probably the whole point of it to begin with, but the fact was I was going to sign up if my body fat put me in the excellent health range anyway. But hey, I guess it's extra motivation.

Anyway, the guy said I need to bring my weight to about 165, which is about 20 lbs. lighter than what I currently am. He said it should take me 4-5 months. We'll see about that.


Anonymous said...


First, you don't look that big to me! but anyways, I'm at LA fitness to (even though i never go, they still charge my credit card every month), so i suppose if you and a certain japanese businessman badger me enough i will go to the gym. I need to tighten up the ol' latina ass myself.

Anonymous said...

I believe some certain japanese business man has tried to get you to come to the gym with him, "anonymous." If you want, see ya tomorrow at the gym after my night class.

Anonymous said...

LA Fitness... paying money for same...when SW has a boss gym...at no charge...until you graduate...
I'm confused, I thought law students had brains?

W said...

I'm only on campus three times a week and Monday is such that I'm not really all that willing to workout that day. Wednesday morning works out well for a variety of reasons, but I'm most productive at doing schoolwork during the morning so I'd rather not. And waiting until after 9pm to work out with Brian when my last class ends at 5:45pm makes sense if I weren't so damn tired by that time. Thursday after my 3 o'clock class works great especially if I can wait until about 6 or so to miss out on traffic on my way back home. Basically, I'm a bitch when it comes to scheduling in my workout and having a gym that's less than a 10 minute drive from home makes more sense than having a gym that could take anywhere from 35 minutes to an hour and a half to get to.

By the way, I think the napping japanese businessman has a 24 Hour Fitness membership.

And by the way, by the way, this particular law student has no brains. I somehow slipped through a crack.

And last by the way, no speaking of ass, lest we want japanese businessman to think of poo.

W said...

By the way, "you don't look that big to me," isn't the first time - and probably not the last time - I've heard that phrase.