Monday, December 13, 2004

Yes... The Skirt Is Removable

Considering that this product has been out for awhile now, it's not so surprising that this product has made it to the market. It's also not so surprising that these products come from the Japanese. Excerpts from a "translated interview" with the maker.
...What's your aim with this product?

"Well, not o­nly a toy for children, but we wanted it to also be a product for adults.

...Wait a minute, can't you see the panties?

"Not from a normal angle."

One thing Mr. Ikarashi wanted to appeal to me was the healing powers of this product.

"Not 'it's nasty,' but 'it's pleasent.'"

According to a survey collected by Mr. Ikarashi himself, the image associated with the lap pillow is "relief." Not excitement.

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