Sunday, November 07, 2004

Hi! My Name Is Mr. Inferiority Complex

Soup has been interviewing other law student bloggers for his blog. So far it's featured NDC, E-Spat, and Larry. All of them comedic luminaries among us lesser blawgers. Now he asks that I be next. To which I respond, how the fuck am I expected to follow those people? Isn't it enough that I'm a third-rate student at a third-tier school? Can't I enjoy my little niche here among the blawgs and be spared the comparisons that would expose this blawg - if it hasn't already been exposed from the over 1,300 posts - for the fourth-tiered piece of shit that it is? Seriously, I'd be the cause of that feature jumping the shark if not the cause of it's untimely death. So excuse me, but I'll have to respectfuckingly decline your shit ass invitation.

UPDATE: Uh, apparently I've already been committed.


matt said...

I'll have you know, it was E-Spat that suggested I interview you next. Look, I need a raving conservative dickhead, so it's either you or Dylan. ;)

W said...

Dylan is the way to go. He's much more of a raving conservative dickehead than I can ever hope to be.

ES said...

But I recommended you! I think you're hysterical...puh-lease...for me??? *pout*

W said...

Don't beg nor pout, it's really unattractive and I'm known to not respond to such behavior. Probably a partial explanation as to why I remain single.