Bruin7089: look at you
Jon 892: thanks for the offer though
Bruin7089: ahead of the mentor
Jon 892: hahaha
Bruin7089: maybe you don't need me anymore
Jon 892: maybe i should be YOUR mentor
Bruin7089: haha
Jon 892: i seriously hate how much work law school is...i really did not expect it
Bruin7089: what did you expect?
Bruin7089: like undergrad?
Jon 892: hahaha ya
Bruin7089: but you have a brother who went to or goes to law school
Bruin7089: didn't he warn you?
Jon 892: ya but he's smart and used to working hard...he went to mit and worked for lehman bros for 2 yrs and investment bankers work about 80-120 hrs/week
Bruin7089: yeah
Bruin7089: and he told you that law school was hard work
Bruin7089: right?
Jon 892: ya but...i mean...GW is top tier and southwestern is 3rd tier...i was hoping the amount of work was correlated with the ranking
Jon 892: ....not that i think this is a bad school...the reason i came here was because of the starting salaries
Jon 892: ...which are incredibly high for where the school is ranked
Bruin7089: haha
Bruin7089: it's inversely related
Bruin7089: if you read my stupid blog
Bruin7089: you would know that SWLAW was ranked second as the most competitive law school
Bruin7089: people work their asses at SWLAW
Jon 892: really? by who?
Bruin7089: Princeton Review
Bruin7089: Basically
Bruin7089: people at the top tier schools
Bruin7089: have it made
Bruin7089: just by rep alone
Bruin7089: so they don't have to worry about grades as much
Bruin7089: people at our school on the other hand
Bruin7089: know that grades
Bruin7089: at least for that first job
Bruin7089: are really important
Jon 892: hahaha...ya thats true
Bruin7089: not that i'm saying you should care about grades
Bruin7089: you can get too caught up in that
Bruin7089: and school won't be fun
Bruin7089: you'll be miserable if that's all you think about
Jon 892: ya unfortunately i think i am alerady way too caught up in that
Bruin7089: don't
Bruin7089: that doesn't do anything to help your grades
Bruin7089: just do your best and put in the effort
Bruin7089: you'll be much happier that way
Jon 892: ya i know
Jon 892: so did a lot of people your frosh year just pretty much fail out? or is it actually made out to be more than it really is?
Bruin7089: nah
Bruin7089: well
Bruin7089: the thing is
Bruin7089: some people dropped out
Bruin7089: before they could fail out
Bruin7089: or thought they would fail out
Bruin7089: only about 13% failed out
Bruin7089: but a lot more dropped out
Bruin7089: and fuckers just speculate
Bruin7089: and assume that everyone who didn't return
Bruin7089: failed out
Bruin7089: so don't listen to the talk
Bruin7089: they're just ignorant
Jon 892: not worried about failing out...just moreso about finishing relativley high in the class
Bruin7089: don't think about that so much though
Bruin7089: just do what you have to do
Bruin7089: and let the chips fall where they may
Bruin7089: if you take that attitude
Bruin7089: you'll do better
Bruin7089: and be much happier
Bruin7089: trust me
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Random AIM Conversation
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