Saturday, October 23, 2004

The Evite

Looks like someone took me up on the offer and changed my Evite reply to the following:
I have been doing at least 10 keg stands per night in order to get myself into shape for this party. Not to mention the crack. I hope to offend as many groups as I possibly can and I hope I live up to your expectations.
Can anyone do better? Try it.

UPDATE: The latest:
I made love to 4 ugly women in the last week to prepare for this monumental event. To all you dogs, there will be plenty of me to go around. Woof Woof!!!
I don't know if making love to 4 ugly women is enough to prepare for all the ugly women at my school but... eh... whatver. Now someone... anyone please change this.

UPDATE: This is getting out of hand.
If you whisper sweet nothings in spanish into my ear I will play with your bussy hole. Spicy tacos make me sweaty. Ie popie!
At least I'm certain of who wrote that one.

I have waiting for so long for this party. It's mostly because I have no friends and every night I go home alone and cry myself to sleep while my pillow catches the mascara that runs off of my face. I'm such a huge loser that I drink myself into oblivion to try to forget my said life. Oh god, I'm so alone.

Well, it was either this party or snort two pounds of Colombian nose candy. So I figured, why not do both? I apologize in advance to anyone that I may attempt to murder and/or steal organs from for sale on the black market.

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