Wednesday, September 29, 2004

SBA Event: Adjusting to Law School

Brandy did most of the work and put on an event that went about as well as it could go. She got a great panel of Prof. Dorff, Prof. Shafiroff, Jon, and Shannon. It was attended by around 60 students. Those that decided to leave after getting their free lunch were polite enough to wait until after both professors had finished their introductory presentations. Jon and Shannon had to deal with a continually dwindling crowd but they did great. By the end, there were enough students to pose several questions at the urging of an enthusiastic panel. Overall it was a good event that served its purpose to a more than decent sized crowd. The evening program was another story but it was expected and it left us pizza to give to maintenance and to serve to passerbys of the SBA office.

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