Monday, July 05, 2004

The Women Of England Catalogued

The inspiration for the following ranking system came from our punting tour guide who said this, "There are only three things you need to know about Cambridge 1) the weather here is rubbish, 2) the wine here tastes like vinegar, and 3) the women here are ok but only ok."

Cambridge - any woman in England who looks ok - there are definitely women in Cambridge who are not "Cambridge".

Oxford - better than ok - though this may be debatable, it's only debatable to the point that some idiot would argue that USC is better than UCLA.

London - since the city is somewhere in between Cambridge and Oxford the women we call London are better than those called Cambridge but not as good as Oxford.

Heathrow - the best looking girls, called so because Heathrow is the way out of England and back home.

Brian and I are so clever and homesick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dont ask why or how i found this in 2007. insomnia mostly. but the thing about heathrow women made me cry....i thought you were gonna say they were the best because theyre "mostly foreign"