Friday, July 30, 2004

My Hero

So as an end of the program we went punting as a group. It was me, Ryan, Brian, Keisha, Kat, and Anne in one of the punts. As soon as we set sail, or whatever the equivalent is for punting, I tossed Ryan overboard. Prof. Int'l Media Law soon commented that Ryan was wet, which drew a look from Ryan and laughter from all those on the punt. Some time down the Cam Ryan and I decided to jump punt to bring birthday boy Steve into the river. So Ryan paranoid that he would be tricked by me into the river as he was the first time, I decided to jump into the Cam myself before he. Thing is, I'm not a very good swimmer or more precisely I can't swim to save my life at times. It didn't help I suppose that I had a couple of drinks before I jumped in. Anyway, I'm in the river hanging onto the side of the punt. Then Ryan and I decided to chase down Steve's boat. Then I was in trouble. Halfway between our punt and Steve's I started to panic. Apparently I remembered that I couldn't really swim. So I sank. Then I came up just long enough to shout out Ryan. At this point many of those thought I was joking around. I really wasn't. So as I went under a second time Ryan came to the rescue a second time and helped me to the edge of the Cam where there was a ledge. For some reason I went off the ledge - probably thinking I could really swim - and went under a third time. Eventually I made it back onto the punt and laid back enjoying the rest of the journey. In the course of that journey, Ryan fell in two more times, once as the pole got caught in the bottom of the Cam and the other to get back at Armen who was splashing water at us. In the end, a more eventful time punting then most normally have.

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