Friday, April 30, 2004

Study Schedule

For some reason I'm having trouble figuring out what to study on what days. My exam schedule is as follows:

5/5 Criminal Procedure 3 units
5/7 Property 3 units
5/10 Torts 2 units
5/12 Civil Procedure 3 units
5/14 Contracts 2 units

The toughest course for me this semester are Property and Civil Procedure. I'm thinking most people in my section are going to be really ready for Crim Pro which will make it a tougher curve to do well on. I figure I need about two whole days for each course to really go into the exam confident. I'm sure I can figure this out. Hell I'm almost done with the first year of law school, figuring out a study schedule can't be too hard for someone almost done with the first year of law school. Right?

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